@snaebjorn13 Out of curiosity, have you tried running your tests without parallelism? I just posted issue #117 with the same stack trace, showing parallelism to be the problem. It would...
As another verification, all 4 of my tests run fine when I add this xUnit attribute to the test assembly: `[assembly: CollectionBehavior(DisableTestParallelization = true)]` I'll do that for now. In...
I'm seeing this as well, on a MacOS 12.4 host and Neo4j Enterprise 4.4.9. In my testing, 4.4.5 works as expected; 4.4.6-4.4.9 all have this issue where the container silently...
Similarly, just now I restarted a running 4.4.5 instance (which, as I said above, previously behaved properly) from the MacOS Docker dashboard... and it stopped immediately. However, I can't repro...
@coderQuan Can you share the rationale of your fix? I gather that while Neo4j is running it stores its pid in that file, and if it exists on startup, Neo4j...