
Results 5 issues of Propaganistas

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Icon Request

`Inertia::share()` accepts an array, an Arrayable or `($key, $value)` arguments. In the latter, `Arr::set()` is being used, resulting in the key-value being _added_ to existing shared props. In the first...

**What package within Headless UI are you using?** @headlessui/vue **What version of that package are you using?** v1.7.19 **What browser are you using?** Safari for iOS (on iPhone) **Reproduction URL**...

### What happened? I've set defaults for the PdfBuilder in a service provider's `boot()` method as described in the docs. When a PDF gets generated in a queued job: -...


It appears that scheduled tasks defined in Laravel 11's new `bootstrap/app.php` file using `withSchedule()` are not discovered by this card: ```php use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule; ->withSchedule(function (Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->call(new DeleteRecentUsers)->daily();...