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Build your race-ready electric car in 10 minutes with powerful electronic stability control and a modern dashboard.

LEADS: Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System

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LEADS is a lightweight embedded assisted driving system. It is designed to simplify the development of the instrumentation and control system for electric vehicles. It is written in well-organized Python and C/C++ with impressive performance. It is not only plug-and-play (the VeC Project) but also fully customizable. It provides multiple abstract layers that allow users to pull out the components and rearrange them into a new project. You can either configure the existing executable module leads_vec and leads_vec_rc simply through a JSON file or write your own codes based on the framework as easily as building a LEGO.

The hardware components chosen for this project are geared towards amateur developers. It uses neither a CAN bus nor any dedicated circuit board, but generic development kits such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino instead. However, as it is a high-level system running on a host computer, the software framework has the ability to adapt to any type of hardware component if you are willing to write some codes.

This document will guide you through LEADS VeC. You will find a detailed version here.



LEADS VeC Demo (Manual Mode)


:link: Docs

:link: Remote Analyst Online Dashboard

Key Features

  • [x] Modern UI design
  • [x] Auto dark mode support
  • [x] Fancy widgets
  • [x] TCP communication system
  • [x] Remote analyst
  • [x] Replaying recorded data
  • [ ] Data recording system with the following components
    • [x] A speed recording system
    • [ ] A G force recording system
    • [x] A GPS recording system
    • [x] A battery voltage recording system
  • [ ] ESC with the following components
    • [x] DTCS (Dynamic Traction Control System)
    • [x] ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)
    • [ ] EBI (Emergency Braking Intervention)
    • [ ] ATBS (Automatic Trail Braking System)

To High School Students

The codes are never designed for average high school students to understand. You may find it hard to read the codes if you do not satisfy the following requirements of skills and knowledge.

  • Advanced Python knowledge (you should be familiar with everything and even programming philosophy in Python)
  • Solid knowledge of Physics (you should understand how a car moves in reality)
  • Basic embedded development experience (C/C++, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, serial communication, PWM)
  • Rich experience in Web development (React, Next.js, FastAPI, TCP/IP, sockets)
  • Basic machine learning knowledge (linear regression, polynomial regression)



Note that LEADS requires Python >= 3.12. To set up the environment on a Raspberry Pi by only a single line of command, see Environment Setup.

pip install Pillow PySDL2 customtkinter gpiozero lgpio pynmea2 pynput pysdl2-dll pyserial leads

numpy and pandas will be automatically installed with leads.

Pillow, PySDL2, customtkinter, gpiozero, lgpio, pynmea2, pynput, pysdl2-dll, and pyserial are optional.

If you only want the framework, run the following.

pip install leads


python -m leads_vec info


You can install LEADS-Arduino from Arduino Library Manager. Note that it is named "LEADS", not "LEADS-Arduino", in the index.

LEADS Framework

See Read the Docs for the documentation of how to customize and make use of the framework in your project.

Quick Start


python -m leads_vec run

Optional Arguments

Run the following to get a list of all the supported arguments.

python -m leads_vec -h
Specify a Configuration File
python -m leads_vec -c path/to/the/config/file.json run

If not specified, all configurations will be default values.

To learn about the configuration file, read Configurations.

Specify a Devices Module
python -m leads_vec -d path/to/the/devices.py run

To learn about the devices module, read Devices Module.

Generate a Configuration File
python -m leads_vec -r config run

This will generate a default "config.json" file under the current directory.

Register as a Systemd Service
python -m leads_vec -r systemd run

This will register a system service to start the program.

To enable auto-start at boot, run the following.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable leads_vec
Specify a Theme
python -m leads_vec -t path/to/the/theme.json run

To learn about themes, read Color and Themes.

Magnify Font Sizes
python -m leads_vec -mfs 1.5 run

This will magnify all font sizes by 1.5.

Use Emulation
python -m leads_vec --emu run

This will force the program to use emulation even if the environment is available.

Automatically Magnify Font Sizes
python -m leads_vec --auto-mfs run

Similar to Magnify Font Sizes, but instead of manually deciding the factor, the program will automatically calculate the best factor to keep the original proportion as designed.

Remote Analyst

python -m leads_vec_rc

Go to the online dashboard at https://leads-vec-rc.projectneura.org.

Optional Arguments

Run the following to get a list of all the supported arguments.

python -m leads_vec_rc -h
Server Port
python -m leads_vec_rc -p 80

If not specified, the port is 8000 by default.

Specify a Configuration File
python -m leads_vec_rc -c path/to/the/config/file.json

If not specified, all configurations will be default values.

To learn about the configuration file, read Configurations.

If you install Python using the scripts, you will not find python ..., python3 ..., pip ..., or pip3 ... working because you have to specify the Python version such that python3.12 ... and python3.12 -m pip ....

Environment Setup

This section helps you set up the identical environment we have for the VeC project. A more detailed guide of reproduction is available here, but first of all, we run an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB. After the OS is set up, just run the one-line commands listed below. You may also choose to clone the repository or download the scripts from releases (only stable releases provide scripts).

You can simply run "setup.sh" and it will install everything including LEADS for you. If anything goes wrong, you can also manually install everything.

/bin/sh "setup.sh$(wget -O setup.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProjectNeura/LEADS/master/scripts/setup.sh)" && rm setup.sh || rm setup.sh

We also use OBS Studio for streaming, but it is not required. If you want to install, run "obs-install.sh".

/bin/sh "obs-install.sh$(wget -O obs-install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProjectNeura/LEADS/master/scripts/obs-install.sh)" && rm obs-install.sh || rm obs-install.sh

Do not run the OBS Studio directly, instead, use "obs-run.sh".

wget -O obs-run.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProjectNeura/LEADS/master/scripts/obs-run.sh
/bin/sh obs-run.sh


The configuration is a JSON file that has the following settings. You can have an empty configuration file like the following as all the settings are optional.


Note that a purely empty file could cause an error.

Index Type Usage Used By Default
w_debug_level str "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" Main, Remote "DEBUG"
data_seq_size int Buffer size of history data Main 100
data_dir str The directory for the data recording system Remote "data"
width int Window width Main 720
height int Window height Main 480
fullscreen bool True: auto maximize; False: window mode Main False
no_title_bar bool True: no title bar; False: default title bar Main False
theme_mode bool "system", "light", "dark" Main False
manual_mode bool True: hide control system; False: show control system Main False
refresh_rate int GUI frame per second Main 30
m_ratio float Meter widget size ratio Main 0.7
font_size_small int Small font size Main 14
font_size_medium int Medium font size Main 28
font_size_large int Large font size Main 42
font_size_x_large int Extra large font size Main 56
comm_addr str Communication server address Remote ""
comm_port int The port on which the communication system runs on Main, Remote 16900
save_data bool True: save data; False: discard data Remote False

Devices Module


from leads import controller, MAIN_CONTROLLER
from leads_emulation import RandomController

class MainController(RandomController):

The devices module will be executed after configuration registration. Register your devices in this module using AOP paradigm. A more detailed explanation can be found here.



Pin Configuration


Remote Analyst





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