Is there a way for the callback to ArrayEach to return errors. ``` _,errr := jsonparser.ArrayEach(bytes, func(... error) { return myerror },...) if errr == myerror ```
# Changes adds support to configure go env variables to, - download private module dependencies for tests. this includes configuring ssh keys and adding git config to use ssh to...
I would like to use a node server to authenticate users on behalf of apps (on sub domains) running on different node servers. and then authorize the routes using stateless...
Init function should have option to redirect on authentication failure with status 302 Found. Redirect to login page is desirable in the following cases. - The token is expired. -...
GoJek does not whiteboard candidates during interviews. refer,
I've been learning about Akash network. I have a couple of questions, I hope these details can be documented, what SLSA guarantees does providers offer? how does Akash confirm the...
Hi, I have the below flow for the user, - bot send an inline keyboard - user enters the input - bot edits the previous message sent to prompt for...