
Results 19 comments of Profesor08

This will solve your problem:

> I think this something Goober does. It's the library we use under the hood. I think they might have more info in their docs: May be you right,...

Edit `` and replace `MemAvailable` with `MemFree`. Correct replacement you can find there: `cat /proc/meminfo`

> > Скрипт не кроссплатформенный. Просто посмотри как у тебя называется параметр и поправь его в скрипе. Потом запусти сам скрипт. Да, чуть больше телодвижений, но все заработает, установится...

`export default` in every module is causing this issue when you import some function with `import { fn } from "polished";`. Avoiding of using default exports will solve this issue.

> The current workaround is to refactor your code to move different hover values into the children instead of the parent. This is required behavior. Some elements must change their...