
Results 25 comments of PrinsFrank

@lakuapik Thanks for your contribution! As enums cannot extend other classes and adding traits to implement generic logic across enums is not preferrable, I think your current solution is the...

@lakuapik I don't know why, but your pipelines were not starting. I've started them manually and fixed the issues. Apparently, even though the PHPStan documentation says that value-of for Backed...

@szepeviktor I renamed the test case to confirm this is a test execution order issue. That seems to indeed be the case..

> What change in `phpunit.xml.dist` made tests pass? None, I added the beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState setting to try to debug what was going on, but the issue ended up being in the...

@szepeviktor @canvural @nunomaduro I'm cleaning up my forks, can I assume this is not going to get merged and close this PR?

> [non-official] I think you won't get away with these rules enabled by default. @szepeviktor What would you suggest? Adding these as rules that can be enabled using configuration? I...

Sorry, was preoccupied with a job switch. Will finish this now!

@szepeviktor @canvural @nunomaduro I'm cleaning up my forks, can I assume this is not going to get merged and close this PR?