
Results 5 issues of 刘聂天和

Building so many CV models using Keras is truly impressive, but what I want to know is, will you have models for Fastsam and Mobilesam in the future? I think...


I'm using Tensorflow 2.11 now, will it automatically uninstall keras when I install autokeras? Is there a table of Keras and AutoKeras, or which TF2 version should be installed for...

feature request

When I use Tensorflow 2.11, keras will be automatically uninstalled when installing qkeras, is there a correspondence table between the two, or which tf2 version should the latest qkeras correspond...

I use python train_main.py,then use python test_main.py,then I get: 2024-09-17 20:35:53.756602: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:193] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU...

### 问题确认 Search before asking - [X] 我已经搜索过问题,但是没有找到解答。I have searched the question and found no related answer. ### 请提出你的问题 Please ask your question 如何在configs的yml文件中修改随机数种子seed?如果需要在其他的文件中修改,又该如何修改呢?