Pranshu Jaiswal
Pranshu Jaiswal
created Recognition_of_gestures_and_action using pre-trained neural network pose_deploy_linevec_faster_4_stages.prototxt and pose_iter_160000.caffemodel and uploaded the result video as gesture1_result
a web application that matches your facial features with popular Bollywood celebrities using facial recognition technology and machine learning models. The application is built with Streamlit for a seamless user...
Building facial expression recognition-based movie and music suggestion website that cheer up users and saves time while searching for a movie or song that matches their mood. It will recognizes...
A Deep learning based streamlit web app which can identify similar faces Approach: - using the MTCNN (Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks) for face detection. - using a pre-trained VGGFace model...
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue) :red_circle: **Project Title** : Football Analysis system :red_circle: **Aim** : Buliding football analysis system using computer vision :red_circle: **Dataset** : :red_circle:...
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue) :red_circle: **Project Title** : Dog Breed Classification :red_circle: **Aim** : End-to-end Multil-class Dog Breed Classification :red_circle: **Dataset** : :red_circle: **Approach** :...
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue) :red_circle: **Project Title** : Real Estate Price Prediction :red_circle: **Aim** : Building an ML model to predict real estate price :red_circle: **Dataset**...
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue) :red_circle: **Project Title** : Employee Turnover :red_circle: **Aim** : Predict Employee Turnover with scikitlearn :red_circle: **Dataset** : :red_circle: **Approach** : cleaning ,performing...
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue) :red_circle: **Project Title** : Flight Fare Prediction :red_circle: **Aim** : Building Flask web app which predicts fare of Flight ticket. :red_circle: **Dataset**...
Building facial expression recognition-based movie and music suggestion website designed to assist people in de-stressing and cheer up users and saves time while searching for a movie or song that...