Prajwal Mysore Jayakumar

Results 13 comments of Prajwal Mysore Jayakumar

* Hi @ROBOTIS-Will, in the manual, it said this: ```Execute the file with TurtleBot3’s IP address. Be sure Remote PC and TurtleBot3 are connected under the same IP.``` * Will...

@ROBOTIS-Will , Oh, okay, please let me know, what to do to solve this issue, as soon as possible. Thanks!

@ROBOTIS-Will Just checking to see if there are any updates. Also, please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to overcome this issue. Thanks for...

@ROBOTIS-Will Thanks for your reply. Waiting for your update.

@ROBOTIS-Will * Thanks for your reply, I shutdown everything including roscore, turtlebot bringup, it works fine now. I think the ssh communication of home service challenge was getting interfered by...

@ROBOTIS-Will * So, I went further with SLAM, and saved my own map using this command ```ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_hsc rosrun map_server map_saver -f tb3_hsc ``` * However, after that command, my map...

Hi @ROBOTIS-Will, Just checking in to see if you have any idea regarding this issue, as well as how to get geometry pose 2D co-ordinates of room/destination for our own...

Hi @ROBOTIS-Will * My bad, what I meant when I asked about co-ordinates is, in room.yaml file, you have something like this. So, I'm assuming x, y are the range...

Hi @ROBOTIS-Will, * Thank you so much for that explanation in that thread, that cleared lots of doubts, I have one more question. From my own map, I have figured...

Hi @ROBOTIS-Will, * Now I think I can set those co-ordinates in the code directly according to my case then. * I had two more questions. So, now if I...