Login flow, pkce and implicit flow, social login _Originally posted by @suresh-shetiar in Passport is a popular node JS authentication library which can be used
Setting up CI/CD pipeline for redis and also setting up docker image so it will be feasible for testing
Writing Test cases for Payment Integration
Idea is to have sample code for various type of payment integration and redme about each payment integration. Like if we have sample code for razorPay integration then we should...
Selecting appropriate API or library for payment integration. For eg Paystack API or razorPay Library etc.
NoSQL database: MongoDB object data modeling using Mongoose - [ ] Create Basic Connection with Mongoose - [ ] Defining Mongoose Model - [ ] CRUD Operations
CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development. Using CI & CD for deploying the build to SIT, UAT...