@alickbass, can you show little example for decode Reference in async. If I do it in Initializer it doesn’t work, returns result later because it’s not async
@MelnykovDenys No solutions with CocoaMQTT at this moment ;(
@wtdu Your code isn't work. You are publishing it in the space. That is a reason why you don't receive any message. @matthew-ely If you are using just 1 certificate...
Try to provide your certificate like CFArray var sslSettings: [String: NSObject] = [:] sslSettings[kCFStreamSSLCertificates as String] = clientCertArray mqtt.sslSettings = sslSettings
With 3 certificates please. Cert, key and ca.
@leeway1208 @JaylinYu Hello, What about example? How could we wrap all three or two certificates for connection?
What do you mean `"*.pem files to *.p12 file"` In your code you are extract .pem from .p12 // create key dictionary for reading p12 file let key = kSecImportExportPassphrase...
@leeway1208 @MelnykovDenys I'm in the same situation.
Okay and then we should insert it in code, right? Then you method will extract cert.pem from .p12 and use it for connection But we need 3 certificates cert, key...