
Results 12 comments of Jay

If you look at the redux state, the `viewports/viewportSpecificData` looks like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3383903/101444723-1aec5580-38ee-11eb-9a09-9bebae1f2cb9.png) You can write a redux selector to detect the `isMultiframe` and when Viewport is first loaded, then...

HI Ric, I'd call the `useAutoPlayCine` logic in `Viewer.js`. As for `useOnViewerLoaded`, what I meant was that it should detect the redux state when first initialized. So you want to...

@richsmith123, my code snippet from the previous comments uses a "[react hook](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html)". This kind of hook is used in functional component. It is meant to be pseudo-code. The same logic,...

I should mention that this was discovered in Chrome v43. I did not test it on other browser.

Not sure if this help you. But there is a local file mode. In your https://codesandbox.io/s/viewer-script-tag-tprch example, Try adding `local` at the end of your url. i.e. https://tprch.csb.app/local You'll be...

My coworker and I dynamically created a svg element and check its currentScale property. It works great on Chrome and likely most browsers too. It works sometimes on FF if...

Your window.out definition should be in the body tag or after window is loaded. I couldn't get your fiddle to work even with the various options though. Maybe JSFiddle's options...

@tombigel . Sorry, I don't have retina mac for testing.