I believe this is a byond issue with the way certain items interact with darkness tiles. You will notice if you have an item in your inventory, then when that...
What access is required to complete this objective? Is the HOP/captain the only people that can add new people to the crew manifest? Also what negative impact does this have...
Agreed with comments above.
The short looks way too short imo, especially on the species that are 8 shorter than others. A short felinid is just too short, and I don't think things should...
@Rukofamicom What was the round ID, since that is likely runtime related.
Nobody seems to know exactly how dynamic resources work, but depending on how that functions, allowing users to colour GAGs items with any colour they want could be an absolutely...
No janky flags should be set on destructible turfs since it will lead to weird and inconsistent behaviour.
I will testmerge this once we get bleeding merged.
Once the 2 critical bugs have been fixed with the effects, I'll base the next review mainly on observations from in-game. If there are some points of code that you...
> @PowerfulBacon Hey just quickly poking you, were you thinking the idea with the Diona Nymphs being a plantable-respawn role thingy was a good idea? Yea, that sounds fine to...