Ok, I think we misunderstood each other Thank you for being constructive, it's nice. So, here is how i fixed it : 1. Add this line into /etc/vimrc ```let g:OmniSharp_log_dir...
No, here is my build script : ``` pkgname=netradiant-custom pkgver=20221212 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games." url="https://github.com/Garux/netradiant-custom" depends=('qt5-base' 'glib2' 'libxml2' 'zlib' 'libpng') makedepends=('wget' 'svn' 'gcc' 'make')...
problem was fixed by installing mesa in my case
@mlig212 which are your graphics cards and drivers ?
have you only one graphic card on your computer ? (`lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'`)
@mlig212 if you yet have this issue, which is your os ? I think that i finaly fixed this issue installing a package...
I am on archlinux, i think the package was mesa, but not sure at 100% :s
did try to install packages about mesa @mlig212 ? like mesa-utils or mesa-vulkan-drivers ?
@mlig212 did you fixed your issue about you speak early in this thread ? And does your question have anything about this thread ?
For me ab3 and abxplore work really good, i do not have problem with them on my rpi4 archlinux Maybe this issue should be closed