``` sudo apt install xsel xclip copyq wl-clipboard xdotool wtyp sudo apt install rofi-dev autoconf automake libtool-bin libtool ``` (Works) ``` cd /home/username/Downloads/rofi-emoji-master autoreconf -i mkdir build cd build/ ../configure...
│ fish: Invalid redirection target: │ │ cat
I tried a lot of much simpler cases, but again, none of them shows any deformation. Is the problem class incapable of showing deformation? Code to create a simple square...
Totk website: It's basic ui and ux, and you already have code for it. Like it's 99% done. Your add material button cycle through all the items in the game...
### Describe the bug The shell exec command like ` -commands: ['shell-exec wezterm'] ` ` bindings: ['alt+enter'] ` Here's a picture bellow. (Note the presence of another bug, Windows Snipping...