Same issue here, even with the latest version. I only tried Tinykin and Immortality, and both seem to "launch" for a couple of seconds, and then nothing. Doesn't seem to...
I'm having the same issues trying to mount anything other than drive d. Somehow, the extra mount points are getting detected in wine as network drives, which backblaze ignores. Even...
Another workaround is edit /home/pablo/.config/WebCord/Preferences with something like {"electron":{"media":{"device_id_salt":"A267D7E33C450DD743629AF815A81DFB"}},"spellcheck":{"dictionaries":["es-ES"],"dictionary":""}} (for Spanish (es-ES) in this case)
I also have a TS-PC would love to give a hand.
I gave up basically at the same point that @svenliekens did, but, shouldn't this https://github.com/Kimplul/hid-tmff2/pull/94 bring also compat to ts-pc, as ts-xw is basically the same wheel base? :thinking:
> Hello, first of all thank you very much for this project, if we had to wait for Thrustmaster do do anything for us ... well After following all steps...
Thanks! I finally made it work, here is what I did, in case it can help someone else: - Modified hid-tmff2 files so TS-PC id uses TSXW code (check my...