
Results 18 comments of Kevin

>the challenge there is that undefined is not a valid JSON value 😞 Thanks this makes sense why Could we perhaps maybe warn the user (same as syntax or missing...

I got this bug with the following, everytime, This happens when toggling the same layer or removing one and adding another ```javascript // create layers layers = { current: {...

The documentation is a bit unclear for GeoJson. From the function call i'm assuming polygonFromGeoJSON will retrieve a single polygon from a geojson object that only contains a single polygon?...

Extract all polygons from a geojson file. eg. This geojson contains `n` polygons: `{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {"party": "Republican"}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [-104.05, 48.99], [-97.22, 48.98], [-96.58,...

A handy page to play with geojson []( Added example geojson : [pastebin](

why is it disabled by default?

It would be great to have. By touching I meant overlap, yes :)

The pastebin has features to test. I'm sorry I'm not familiar with repos to help out with the logic. I would if I knew how. For know my solution is...

Trying to find a workaround, the following doesnt work ```javascript pg.raw("select * from table where a::jsonb ? 'david'", [pg.raw("?")]) ``` ```javascript pg.raw("select * from table where a::jsonb ?? 'david'"]) ```...

Would be great if the installer triggered 0 warnings.