version: bleed If you set ValidRelationships on Captures to Neutral u be able to capture all units (enemy, neutral, ally) if you set ValidRelationships to Enemy or Ally you cant...
This PR implements some features thats D2k Starport will need. In OG D2k Starport tab behaves like this; - you must pay full Unit Price up front. - Unit Icon...
Closes: #20741 This PR allow Sonic tank to balance properly and better match OG. References from OG: https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/7ca89eaa-e816-47dc-ab57-4d1503f3c7d9 https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/9843a019-63f9-48d0-a018-66172a9eec80 https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/64e7c881-b74c-4562-91e7-c72b50f653b4 https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/0a99ecf0-ec51-412c-9656-1252bc5db718 ORA references with this PR: https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/13350800-a295-4468-bf97-a8f4a3b50df2 https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/7c09c8c3-e4ef-4004-a979-afaac7a473cb https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/24ccc16f-c182-4fdc-a2df-c8b1024cc527 https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/assets/100044015/5e38883d-6809-4ed3-9cf9-4dfecea3ee0f
Sound file MULTI1.WAV is not used anywhere and there for can be used as becon sound instead of CHAT1.WAV
Successor of #21295 and #21423 related #7055 What this PR do: - OG fly path and behaviour for Frigate - Paying up front for Starport units - BulkProductionQueue allowing to...
Tiles 69 and 79 should be as 1x1 tile because they are corners. For compatibility reasons I leave 69, 79 intact and add corners as new tiles. Also fixed wrong...
BLOXMAS.R8 doesn't have R16 equivalent, but luckily we use just some tiles from bridge and Rotten-base category. Most visible difference is on sand and rock terrain. I replace these in...
Take over: #20769 OG behaviour: - VFX started on heavy damage state. - Smoke starts after condition is granted, Fire starts after some delay - Fire stops first, smoke continue...
Unload order has always priority over other Deploy Orders. But if Actor has no cargo or not carrying anything it doesn't need too. This PR is needed to get full...
second attempt to close: #20741 Implement behaviour needed for Sonic tank. Reflecting suggestions from #21284. ~~Render part for `SoundBeam `is the same as in `Areabeam`~~. Added BeamCircle render