sure why not
preview with Punks suggestions: 
Got much better result with these parameters: ```miniyaml FloatingSpriteEmitter@SMOKE: RequiresCondition: heavy-damage Palette: smoke3 Image: smoke3 Duration: 15, 20 Speed: 3 Gravity: 50 SpawnFrequency: 5, 10 RandomFacing: true RandomRate: 4 Offset:...
when this is merged, I'm willing to make PR that implements smoke/fire particles for damaged buildings: 
This PR is supper usefull. I already use it a lot. Can pls someone rebase it for current bleed?
I'll need to this trait to be conditional for my future PR (which will add OG burn/smoke Vfx to the buildings ) @PunkPun can you pls add conditional support while...
From workflow perspective new brush just for move is bad idea. default brush should handle this just fine. If you really wanna use modifier, not button.
closes #20536
Another map example: [Second moon.zip](https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/files/14376063/Second.moon.zip)  Im not sure what color to add for ice tiles. Right now its the same color as rock tiles.