Thatchapon Unprasert

Results 12 issues of Thatchapon Unprasert

## Feature Request Regarding these steps `Open Xcode and navigate File > New > Project...` and `Search for MacForge Plugin`, The readers won't find MacForge Plugin because they are...


- (iOS 12-) Fixed certain elements not changing color when the theme has changed. - Prevented triggering theme change when tapping on pure dark mode cell.

What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes. --------------------------------------------------- … Checklist --------- - [x] New code follows the [code rules]( - [ ] I've added modulemaps for any new libraries (e.g....

Latest uYou (Nov 27). Example video: The forced video quality set to 1080p60, but the video defaults to 480p. 1080p and 720p are affected.

**Describe the bug** ![image]( ![image]( Shown above are the entries of `setUserInteractionEnabled:` selector and `SBUIFlashlightController` class inside `FlashlightModule` binary, respectively. When classes are like that, the pseudocode generates this (focus...

### Describe the feature request Just like [YouAreThere]( tweak for iOS YouTube app, I may plan to create a pull request. However, in case you are more ready to implement,...


An iOS 17 beta simulator runtime root directory (under macOS Sonoma) is mounted as a volume under `/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_`. This volume is read-only so there's currently no way to install `CydiaSubstrate.framework`...