it is not taking my .txt file to train, which i have located in DeepQA/data/lightweight. It is not giving proper response.
I have .txt file which include 80+ QA. Questions are one lined. but answers are long. but i have edited that in notepad++ and combine all the lines and make...
I have tried with --modelTag aslo. and clearing previous data too. still it is not working. its taking another data
I have created a text file in lightweight directory and run "python main.py" it should take my data (which includes long answer) to train with other data. may b it...
have you trained it 100%? if not than try that.
you can try with cp DeepQA/save/model/* DeepQA/save/model-server/
get answer from these: https://github.com/Conchylicultor/DeepQA/issues/130 https://github.com/Conchylicultor/DeepQA/tree/master/data/lightweight
but then it is shoeing TypeError: model_with_buckets() got an unexpected keyword argument 'num_encoder_symbols' this error