How about solve phase? And how could I estimate the workload in my problem AX=b? A is n*n sparse matrix.
$CUDA_HOME/include/cuda_runtime_api.h does exist. I have set the CUDA_HOME in both files /etc/profile and ~/.bashrc as follow: ``` CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda export CUDA_HOME PATH=$PATH:$CUDA_HOME/bin export PATH ``` I can use nvcc in my...
May I ask where is the file "conftest.c"? What's it? Now I have run out of every method I know. I log in the root account. And I run the...
Finally, I have solved the problem. Since the configure process fails. So I changed the configure file. I added the line: spral_nvcc_inc_ok = yes so configure will be ok. But...
Please recheck file spral/m4/spral_nvcc_lib.m4 , line 23: `save_CPPFLAGS="$CCPFLAGS"; CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $NVCC_INCLUDE_FLAGS"` Although I don't know much about configure, I think there is a mistake.
When I cloned the code, I have built as what you said. Everything went OK. But when I tried to use CUDA, the problems occur. I mean, when I use...
No. It still tells me NVCC include path not found unless I set the C_INCLUDE_PATH at first. By the way, as I have mentioned, in file spral/m4/spral_nvcc_lib.m4 , line 23:...
No. I guess there is something wrong with the configure file. Thank you for your time. Since I don't know much about the configure file and I have successfully built...
It's good to confirm the problem. I really learn a lot.