Hello, with the code here below "attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(LOGO), doIntLOGO, FALLING);" that didn't work, with attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTONA), doIntLOGO, FALLING); that worked (???). Why ? ```// Pinout Micro:bit V2 #define BUTTONA (5) #define BUTTONB...
Hello @askuric, When I use _micros(), I get 75us for the loop of FOC: t0=_micros(); motor.loopFOC(); motor.move(); t2=_micros(); Serial.print("..."); Serial.println(t2-t0); The result is t2-t0 = 94 with a time distribution...
Hello, I have an issue when I want to connect 2 nodes together, the one or the other node works very well alone as shown below (the motor turn at...