paper-tabs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
paper-tabs copied to clipboard

Material Design tabs

Results 49 paper-tabs issues
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### Description On my desktop in Chrome, if I click on a tab, the tab color will darken with each click until completely saturated. I do not see the same...

### Description In Safari when custom font is used on `paper-tabs`, the size of `#selectionBar` is wrong. ### Expected outcome The size of `#selectionBar` is equal to the tab size....

### Description When I use a link (``) inside a `paper-tab` and I ctrl + click on it, I expect it to open a new tab with that page, but...

p0 - critical

### Description If you have paper-tabs inside a container with flex-flow, align-items, and justify-content, the tabs will not work on iOS/Safari. ### Expected outcome Tabs should show and be clickable....

When `` is imported asynchronously, the element is not correctly layout.,output

### Description I put a paper-tabs element inside a paper-dialog and attached the scrollable attribute to it. ### Expected outcome The paper-tabs should scroll to the side ### Actual outcome...

### Description As a user I cannot style the left and right scroll buttons when the paper-tabs are scrollable. ### Expected outcome I should be able to, via custom properties,...

On a Mac osX, when using `scrollable` tabs, tapping the mouse pad (as opposed to clicking the mouse button) only gets the tabs to scroll one character per tap.

p2 - icebox

### Description I think there's an issue with updating the tabindex on the first selection. It could be because `Polymer.IronMenuBehaviorImpl.focusedItem` isn't set when the element is initialized. `Polymer.IronMenuBehaviorImpl._focusedItemChanged` is what...