paper-tabs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
paper-tabs copied to clipboard

Material Design tabs

Results 49 paper-tabs issues
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### Description The `disableDrag` property is not used anywhere in the code and therefore it is not working as intended. I believe that `_scroll()` function supposed to have the following...

When I set the `selected` attribute the first time (e.g. hardcoding it in the markup, or binding it to a property which has value whe the element is attached), the...

### Description The 'paper-tab' don't hide arrow button when it's needed if i control this by keyboard ### Expected outcome when I switched some elements by keyboard, on left side...

I'm using paper-tabs with links inside them in the Polymer Starter Kit, and so I'm using the routing setup that it comes with for my content. My iron-pages selected attribute...

p2 - icebox

### Description I have 2 questions about accessibility, I'd like to know if there is a reason for: - `paper-icon-button` not focusable using keyboard **tab** key - `paper-icon-button` doesn't have...

### Description When I click on a tab, the texts of that tab become thick. But after that, if I click on any other element, the thickness of the selected...

### Description Suppose you have `` (mainly so that `polyber build` will change that `/` to whatever build it is) When using paper-item with the `link` option (and therefore with...

### Description I have the following structure in my paper-tabs: ``` ``` But the link is only in the anchor, and does not fill all the tab. This works if...

### Description Screen readers are able to navigate to the scroll buttons when they are not visible. ### Expected outcome Screen readers are *not* able to navigate to the scroll...

### Description Chevron navigation buttons on paper tabs have unhelpful aria labels on mobile. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a paper tab with scrollable=true and enough tabs that you...
