
Results 15 comments of Polm90

You can build a single html document with all the content you need. To be sure to break page as needed, I suggest you to use the css page-break rules

@stephio rolling back to cordova-ios 5.1.1 :D

I am currently use Cordova 5.1.1 to compile with xCode 11 and I have no issues

I have the same issue with pdf and mp4 files too. Tested on a device with iOS 12.4 Cordova 9.0.0, cordova-plugin-file 6.0.2, cordova-ios 5.0.1. No issue on cordova-browser 6.0.0

same issue for "event/customevent", "event/eventlistener", "input/input", "input/inputnumber-l10n", "input/inputsearchevent","input/inputtypes","input/placeholder","input/validation","storage/indexeddb","svg/svg","video/video"

I think it would be great! Thank you!

It seems it happens "only" (I cannot totally exclude it because the problem doesn't happen the 100% of the times as I said before) if I start with a "get"....

I think the bug is not related to localforage library but to [this](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=226547) Safari bug. Using [this](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=226547#c26) provided workaround seems to work (even if not always)

@tofumatt I said **Safari** 14.1.1 (on Mac) not **iOS** 14.1.1 ;)