Maciej Nasinski

Results 23 issues of Maciej Nasinski

All inputs should be available from the first line of code in the shiny app server. When we use `shiny::insertUI` (**even with immediate option**) with shiny inputs then we have...

Updating a not existing url. The "about" subpage is not exists, it is only an id in the main page.

I am a developer of a few CRAN packages and currently I am working on The crandb is a very valuable data source. I want to use a direct...

linked to very important it seems to not be a problem of arm64 only. Please consider removal of the priority of the `ragg` package in the `shiny::startPNG`. The `ragg`...

A small DESCRIPTION file update. ## Pull Request Before you submit a pull request, please ensure you've completed the following checklist - [x] Ensure there is an already open and...

shinyWidgets::pickerInput seems to not be compatible with bslib, please try out the example and different themes (especially default and colorful). Even for default bootstrap 5 the shinyWidgets::pickerInput ui is looking...

I find out that the ragg is causing the shiny crashes on my arm64. The error seems to come from When I remove the ragg package from the R...

Submitting Author Name: Maciej Nasinski Submitting Author Github Handle: @polkas Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none) Repository: Submission type: Pre-submission Language: en --- - Paste...


linked to I found out in the ggplot2 test a problem with rounding for the arm64 machine for the `vdiffr` test (`vdiffr::expect_doppelganger`). One of the coordinates is not properly...

pypi request for a release of the multidim name