Tadej Satler, PhD
Tadej Satler, PhD
Yes, It was working 10-14 days ago. We reinstalled relion with the latest changes in branch 5.0, and somehow it does not seem to work anymore. Is it possible that...
We also tried to rebuild RELION and it did not work. Seems like `dynamight.deformations.optimize_deformations_rigid` module is missing, which was added recently: https://github.com/3dem/DynaMight/commit/5760613f094e17c768b6f0eec81bccfbca9cc569
changes fixed the issue, thanks!
I added some code to support CtfFind5 in my relion fork: - https://github.com/3dem/relion/pull/1098 - [Poko18:ver5.0](https://github.com/Poko18/relion/tree/ver5.0) P.S. currently its still missing GUI
@chewyalvin You could install relion from my fork. Beware that CtfFind5 is not integrated in GUI, but you can use it from command line