Olivier FAURE

Results 67 issues of Olivier FAURE

In [your last article](https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps//blog/2022/03/29/dyn-can-we-make-dyn-sized/), I noticed this snippet: > This also applies beyond futures, of course. A key part of the eyre crate is the eyre::Report type, which is basically...

I tried to run FuzzCheck on NixOS to see if it had [the same problems](https://github.com/PoignardAzur/venial/pull/4) as I have on my Ubuntu desktop. Predictably, the build instead failed due to completely...

There's been some activity recently around [the benchmark suite published by lqd](https://github.com/lqd/rustc-benchmarking-data). Those benchmarks are a trove of useful data on how rust crates are built and where the time...

### Environment - OS and Version: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS - VS Code Version: 1.68.1 - C/C++ Extension Version: v1.11.4 - Other extensions: C/C++ Extension pack (disabling other extensions doesn't seem...

Language Service
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Feature: Configuration

Here is the minimal code that produces the error for me: `toy_language/mod.rs`: ```rust //use pest::Parser; // Implicitly generates a `Rule` enum #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = "toy_language/calculator.pest"] struct CalculatorParser; #[cfg(test)] mod tests...


In the [snowman-bindings presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wtAknL-UJWDoIgSbyF5paTBSpVVj-fKU4tiHMxJbSzE/edit#slide=id.p) at the June meeting, one of the proposed binding is for enum/union/sum types. I'm wondering, should these types be statically guaranteed to be valid? For instance,...

With a title like that, there's no need for much elaboration. The project generated a fair amount of enthusiasm when it was announced, but now it seems somewhat abandoned: -...

Exception specifiers are a common-enough feature in strongly-typed languages. - C++ has [noexcept](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/noexcept_spec) - Java has [throws](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/declaring.html) - Dlang has [nothrow](https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#nothrow-functions) These specifiers have a few advantages, that warrant integrating...

Example code: ```rust // The indentation stays the same, as expected fn foobar() { let x = y else { panic!(); }; } // The indentation is increased every time...


[Rendered](https://github.com/PoignardAzur/placement-by-return/blob/placement-by-return/text/0000-placement-by-return.md). --- **Glossary:** - **GCE:** [Guaranteed Copy Elision](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38043319/how-does-guaranteed-copy-elision-work). - **NRVO:** [Named Return Value Optimization](https://shaharmike.com/cpp/rvo/). - **DST:** [Dynamically-Sized Type](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/dynamically-sized-types.html).
