May you can check out on my repo https://github.com/PoerOne/itdb/tree/patch-1 Hope help.
> I have found an alternative for vagalume but it has 2 drawbacks: it doesn't support HTTPS and CORS blocks this API. > I have rewritten the code to work...
Try this if stream with shoutcast: 1. On your config.js : 'url_streaming': 'https://yourstreaming_server:port', 'stream_path': '/your_streampath 'streaming_type': 'shoutcast', 2. On your script.js : Add on line 31 : const STREAMPATH =...
Hi @LordFader , You can't mix http & https on your jquery.showinfo.js & icecastInfo.js. Just try remove first this file first and try again. Tks