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Repository for the Plant Ontology
We decided to add this term at the POC meeting on 11-8-11. Proposed definition: An axillary bud that does not elongate, in which the leaves develop as spine leaves ([PO:0025173](
We may want to add replaced_by relations for obsolete terms that are phenotypes. For example: fleshy fruit replaced_by fruit and lacunar collenchyma replaced_by collenchyma Reported by: rlwalls2008 Original Ticket: [obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/369](
We should obsolete [PO:0020092]( megagametophyte and [PO:0020091]( microgametophyte, and create new terms that can encompass dioicous bryophyte gametophytes as well as the gametophytes in angiosperms. Embryo sac and pollen will...
Definitions need work Existing definitions: sporocyte ([PO:0006204]( A diploid (2n) cell that undergoes meiosis and produces four haploid (1n) spores. microsporocyte ([PO:0020047]( A diploid (2n) cell that undergoes meiosis and...
Right now there is overlap between the terms meristermoid ([PO:0000070]( and initial cell ([PO:0004011](, and as a result, stomatal guard cell has develops from relations to both epidermal initial and...
The current definition of nucellar projection ([PO:0008007]( is: A portion of plant tissue that is the morphologically distinct portion of the nucellus overlying the vascular strands in the grass caryopsis....
This request was made by Elena Kramer during the beta review: , I wondered if there was some way to incorporate ...the phenomenon of common primordia (...would only apply to...
This comment was made by Paula Rudall during the beta review Central cell; PO: 0020090: The largest cell of the mature embryo sac. Contains two polar nuclei, which (after double...
Rich Zobel of the ISRR (International Society for Root Research) has suggested these new root terms based on the root nomenclature framework they developed and published in Plant Biosystems (June...
Protoderm [PO:0006210]( should be is_a meristem, part_of apical meristem. Current def: The undifferentiated surface cell layer of the primary plant body, which gives rise to epidermis. New def: A meristem...