Images inside a post are resized. Size you specify in code doesn't matter. SmartBlog v3.0.3 (from development branch 28.02.2021) PHP: 7.4.15 PrestaShop:  
How I can add pivot values to attach action? ``` public function attachCollectionItems( UserSchema $schema, UserRequest $request, User $user ) { $collectionItems = $schema ->repository() ->modifyToMany($user, 'collection-items') ->attach($request->validatedForRelation(), ['status' =>...
[Feature] Question? MixedSearch - How to eager load realtionships and use pagination() at same time?
```php $data = MixedSearch::search($request->q ?? '')->within(implode(',', $searchTypes))->query(function ($query) { $query->with('media'); })->get(); ``` I would like to eager load some relationship and use pagination. If I use paginate() with query(), it...