Felipe Rojas Verasay
Felipe Rojas Verasay
Let me test by mixing some diferent devices, but defenitely there is something weird when you connect many devices on the same bus. What i read is that the i2c...
arduino.h is related to the arduino board. Before upload the code you need to select the correct board. Select arduno nano and then select the based microcontroller ATMega328 for the...
Yeah! a console also is nice!! maybe for an advance config (or to input commands) or see a "level message" such debug messages and share submit (as you did) is...
Thank you @Dilbert66. Yep it's very weird. The delay is also showing on the physical keypad and only occour on some specific zones. For example zone 28 (initially a windows...
It will be a little difficult if i monitor via serial or usb. If there is a method to store a log file on my HA server could be more...
I noted it like a few hours ago on the DLS5. Not tested yet with the changes. Just a question. The decoder updates automatically the date and the hour to...
@hardnv im sorry to hear that you loose your drone. Did you recover it? I hope that you recover its parts. As i know the firmware always do the checklist,...
By firmware if your drone is in the air and there is no signal. After 15seconds it will automatically return to home. For example you are 2km far away and...
@ikkezelf-drone Thank you very much. For me FCC is enabled, i did some test and i may confirm with other people that have the same configuration. its a litle weird,...