Piotr Justyna

Results 8 issues of Piotr Justyna

Ideas: * [ ] Server GC configuration * [ ] grain longevity: ``` siloBuilder.Configure(configureOptions => { configureOptions.CollectionAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2); }); ``` * [ ] DI scopes * [ ] cancellations...


A load test would be a good idea.


First of all, I appreciate your work on the library. I've been playing with it for the last few weeks and I really like it so far. While experimenting with...

Having problems using the Haskell community devcontainer. During the initial image build I'm getting the following error: ``` > [dev_container_auto_added_stage_label 5/5] RUN ghcup install ghc "recommended" --set && ghcup install...

Proposing a new version of this dockerfile as the current one: * does not work on the new apple silicon machines * or on corporate machines where ssl certifications stop...

Looks like [gloss-examples](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gloss-examples) has a dependency on [repa](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/repa) which cannot be built with newer versions of base ([following the project website's instructions and using cabal](http://gloss.ouroborus.net/#Withcabal)). Here is the issue: https://github.com/haskell-repa/repa/issues/26...