
Results 7 comments of Iceberg

> 是说 chromego吗 > 第一次使用前,先更新ip 好了作者,我用chrome测试什么网站都打不开,所以我一直以为失败了,用360极速浏览器就都行,不知道什么原因 @killgcd

@killgcd 主要是我chrome也打不开啊就是跳转到测试的那个网址,那个页面上的任何链接都打不开,其它像维基的还是可以的

@killgcd 应该没有的才对,我平常不用chrome的,但是重新打开就没事了,目前蓝灯和SSR可用

``` plantxt ; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra...

@puzrin I'll be very appreciated if you can give me some ideas about this problem!

Oh!! I feel extremely sorry about my silly thoughts! t_t It is the version uncompatible between lvgl and its driver. I should been aware of this. Driver still is 8.2.0...