
Results 5 comments of PikaChokeMe

It'd really be nice to be able to set a specific quantity of a lockable resource without having to create multiple copies of that resource... In the case of our...

> > > I strongly endorse this. I was actually amazed at how well it worked with the AI. It makes all custom door logic just kind of work :O

For whatever it is worth on this two year old issue, with version `hashicorp-vault-plugin:359.v2da_3b_45f17d5` of this plugin I was still completely unable to get this working with `prefixPath` My secret...

I believe there is now a fork/more maintained version of the vault-java-driver: https://github.com/jopenlibs/vault-java-driver reported/linked to from here: https://github.com/BetterCloud/vault-java-driver/pull/245#issuecomment-1272577405 I know it's no easy undertaking, and the usual logic with things...

> Did anyone else have this issue? The solution did not work for 2022.2.2f1 This works for me on 2022.2.21, make sure you change the _texture format_ and the true...