Henrik Koski
Henrik Koski
This can happen on any window that can have multiple tabs. When the window is dragged around from the bar where the tabs appear, the styling of the UI elements...
Probably not, these exports have been broken for quite a while in 0.7 also and no one has complained.
Here is where I'm at now: - If many alternatives are selected, it is enough that the entity alternative is set as active on one of them, for the entity...
@jkiviluo checking out both branches linked in this issue should work now with latest changes.
> The issue I have is that when choosing something from the entity_tree (without ctrl-pressed), the alternative remains chosen. This should happen only if ctrl is pressed when left-clicking. Will...
After the merge of the above PR, entity classes are first sorted by dimension count and then by name.
I messed around with this a while back in [this branch](https://github.com/spine-tools/Spine-Toolbox/tree/issue_2453_load_state_entity_tree). Got it somewhat working, there were still some issues with selecting entities and entity classes at the same time....
Sure, I could take a crack at this.
The tables as well as import and export functions required for this functionality will be implemented by the above pull requests. The functionality on toolbox's side still needs to be...