@ccordoba12 to be clear, the first time the error appears (on startup), the kernel will not work. If if I restart the kernel by closing the tab, then the error...
> We reviewed the pitch and would love to explore this idea further! I think this pitch is a great start, but there are still some open questions. Moving this...
``` (base) PS C:\Users\junea\Computery Stuff> python --version Python 3.10.6 (base) PS C:\Users\junea\Computery Stuff> conda activate project (project) PS C:\Users\junea\Computery Stuff> conda info active environment : project active env location :...
And in case you were wanting conda list from my base environment: ``` (base) PS C:\Users\junea\Computery Stuff> conda list # packages in environment at C:\Users\junea\miniconda3: # # Name Version Build...
...and just to make it easier to browse the bug details file, here's the content thereof: ``` Bug details for anaconda-project error on 2022-11-25 sys.argv: ['C:\\Users\\junea\\miniconda3\\envs\\project\\Scripts\\anaconda-project', 'download', 'pyviz/holoviz_tutorial'] {'version': '0.11.1'}...
EDIT: I split up this reply and added some comments just so I can follow my own thread more easily. These are all consecutive commands and outputs, with no other...
``` (pythonConda3.10) PS C:\Users\junea> conda activate base (base) PS C:\Users\junea> conda config --show-sources ==> C:\Users\junea\.condarc ``` and same in the project environment (probably it is always the same? ... but...