I think the below should do the trick. @`Chromace": could you try the below code (copy/paste in winetricks) and do 'winetricks install_dinput8' and see if it works for your game?...
Hi, maybe it's because I removed a workaround few days ago. I thought it was not necessary anymore but i might be wrong. I re-added it, could you try download...
Hi, From your crashlog: >Unhandled exception: unimplemented function urlmon.dll.414 This looks like if you have other native dlls installed/set. Could you check in winecfg, if you have set urlmon, and.or...
Hi, > i still get powershell not installed errors. Did you try cd into the directory where Waves is installed, and run Waves from there? (See the readme) If that...
Hi, maybe that is the same issue as that it doesn`t start after the install, and you have to cd into the directory where Waves program is. But that`s just...
Hi, what wine version are you using? And could you see what files are present in ~/.wine/drive_c/users/yourname/Temp/ ? And if the directory ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Powershell/7/ is correctly present? Then maybe i...
Hi, not sure what you mean exactly, but it seems to have downloaded the required files, and also an attempt ro start Powershell Core. I don't know really why it...
Hi, Unfortunately I'm completely unfamiliar with this so I'm afraid I cannot help. The only thing that comes in mind to test now is maybe try run chocolatey in Windows...
I'm rather busy atm, so late reply I think you are talking about the "regular" winetricks.sh , that doesn't have "ps51" verb I meant my own homebrew winetricks (the one...
choco pin remove --name="chocolatey" choco upgrade chocolatey