why not just use a layer ? keybinding + numberkey = f-key usually the less keys the better since you control the firmeware .. its a easy fix .. or...
even thats possible with mappings .. if you bind the switch of the num row to a different key .. say the "meta|win|apple" key on the thumb cluster .. to...
problem is uboot and allstar soc which has a known terrible linux support and no upstream kernel (for the pine64).. LOADS of hacking + 64 bit arm is different .....
autoprint from email or firefox/chrome - first of all the pos printer in the sunmi v1 isnt like a regular printer therefore it needs different controll that beein sayed sunmi...
you cant install that straight on the v1 - you need an cordova - phonegap/ionic app for that which this is a part for it like a library - you...
you cant !
needs a hook into the native api .. you could use an embedded browser but you cant print like with a regular printer no "receipt printer" can you could fix...
no v1s has exactly the same api - i got both devices here there is no way around a api - as for budget .. that can be cheapish but...