This is caused specifically by the Event Lag feature. I have disabled it myself. ``` paceOptions = { eventLag: false, // disabled }; ``` Or you can increase the threshold...
I am having the same issue, so I looked at the websocket messages and it looks like the history is correctly requested, but nothing is received from the server. Opening...
In my opinion, this integration should be hardware independent and not contain any hardware reading and writing. That way it can be used easily for other hardware that receive OpenTherm...
That gateway has two processors, one PIC16F88/PIC16F1847 that uses the [OTGW firmware](http://otgw.tclcode.com/), and one Wemos D1 mini that currently runs https://github.com/rvdbreemen/OTGW-firmware and acts as a bridge between the PIC and...