
Results 53 issues of 火凌之

zh_CN ### PNL_Title_ToolGuide=AnimDessin2 帮助指南 PNL_Title_VideoGuide=AnimDessin2 视频指南 btn_showTimeline.title=切换时间轴面板 btn_newDoc.title=新文档 btn_canvasSize.title=画布尺寸 btn_save.title=保存为 btn_newFrameOne.title=新建帧1 btn_newFrameTwo.title=新建帧2 btn_duplicateFrame.title=复制帧 btn_deleteFrame.title=删除帧 btn_toggleFavorite.title=过滤器选择层 btn_onionSkin.title='OnionSkin' 洋葱皮模式 btn_onionSkinSettings.title='OnionSkin' 洋葱皮设置 btn_newVideoGroup.title=新建视频组 btn_renameFrame.title=重命名帧 btn_minus.title=降低帧 btn_plus.title=增加帧 btn_red.title=红色遮罩 btn_green.title=绿色遮罩 btn_blue.title=蓝色遮罩 btn_none.title=清除所有图层效果 btn_inBetweenPrevious.title=In between previous...


前台的文章下不显示评论,只有默认主题右下角会显示 在后台仪表盘显示,但是评论列表不显示

对预处理生成/修改多少个物编的提示框加个配置是否弹出 或者在保存完毕之后再弹出一个非置顶的框来进行提示 既然是一个提示性信息, 希望能不阻塞保存流程

Allow suppression one package's all warning There are two things I want to discuss here. > 1: Is it necessary to alert for grammatical inconsistencies? I find that there are...


eg: config the Printing.wurst#print config the Printing.wurst#printLog


like kotlin ``` switch foo case 1 //todo exist like now case 2 -> //todo but in one line like closure in 3..5 //todo when foo >= 3 and foo...


``` class B int a = 1 construct(int a) if a == 0 destroy this this.a = a //error in here ```

Priority: low

when only change a wurst package. not need compile all package. when only change the map file like object/sound (not change any package) ,no need compile ,just need inject it....

Priority: low

``` class aaa int index function setI //when i write this . the `setIndex(int index) ...` on the `Intelligent association`(is that called this?) to `Automatic completion?` will be helpful ```


sometimes i want to know how much eles in the enum and want to make a iterator if the enum can get size (Gets the number of fields in the...
