Hello there. I really love your extension, it's by far the best-looking notes app out there. That's why I thought I'd submit this report in hopes that the extension is...
Hello there. Thank you so much for creating such a useful extension, it's been a life changer. Today, however, I faced a rather peculiar issue: ![2023-05-21 23_29_52-nocrypt_colab_remastered ipynb - Colaboratory...
Hello there, I'm writing this now following an hour or so of me trying and retrying to make the Colab work, before finally giving up. It's strange because it was...
Hello. This Colab has been a God-send ever since I found it and I can't thank you enough for making it. I was just wondering if it was possible to...
Hello. I'm not here to report an issue or anything. I've been and still am an avid user of your wonderful extension. It's literally the best notes-taking extension out there....