Lyphixia Wang

Results 6 issues of Lyphixia Wang

I found that the links of next steps in the README file in the three active branches are all expired links, and the click-in will be a 404 page, and...


## What is the purpose of the change Replace the 404 link in the readme file with an available link, but because the English document of admin manual on dubbo...

fix Currently, failover has been fixed, and failback will be fixed later.

### 提案 ## 项目简介 Dubbo作为⼀个与⽤户息息相关的开发框架,在迭代过程中出现任何问题都可能对⽤户产⽣巨⼤的影响。 因此,Dubbo 需要⼀套完整的⾃动化回归测试⼯具。⽬前 Dubbo 其实已经有⼀套基于 docker-compose 的测试⼯具,但是这套⼯具⽆法测试 kubernetes 环境下的兼容性。 同时,我们也需要⼀个更加可靠的测试⽤例构建体系(包括 Kubernetes API Server、Mesh 等)来保证测试⽤例⾜够完整。 ## 期望产出 实现对Dubbo在Kubernetes环境下的兼容性测试,提⾼Dubbo在复杂部署环境中的稳定性 通过与Kubernetes API Server的协同测试,验证Dubbo与Kuberentes的集成⼯作正常 ⽀持Dubbo在XDS Mesh下的测试,确保其与Istio等服务⽹络的集成正确性 ⽣成详尽的测试报告,帮助开发者分析测试结果并及时解决问题,提⾼Dubbo的质量和可靠性 提供⼀个良好可读的⽂档,讲述测试框架的使⽤⽅式、架构、原理等 ## 时间规划...

When I passed the test package construction test, I found that the document was somewhat different from the current version. Need a little update.

![image]( I generated it through your template. Tell me it's not standard? kidding?
