Philipp Verpoort
Philipp Verpoort
It's possible to save an entire folder for offline use, and it is possible to save a single file for offline use by selecting "Folder / File info" -> "Available...
I ran into some trouble while trying to build my PyQT5 application for Ubuntu using the VM. After building and running the VM, and then `fbs freeze`ing and `fbs release`ing...
Qt and PyQT offer extensive functionality for translation or internationalisation of applications, see e.g.: I was wondering if a conclusion has been reached yet regarding how best to implement...
Would it be possible to set up something like a read-only mode for Drupal Console? This would be particularly helpful for production/live environments. This way, it can be used to...
According to [its documentation](, UCUM is a "a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business. The purpose is to...