
Results 71 issues of PhilippMDoerner

Heyho, I've recently noticed that prologue offers its own hashing proc to allow simple pbkdf2_sha256 hashing, with an API similar to how its handled in Django. This is in the...

This one came to me as I started writing procs that build generic prologue handlers: How can I ensure, that the URL path param that my handler assumes is there...


Heyho, I just stumbled over this while implementing file upload in my web-application: Django has a very neat convenience functionality, which, if you try to upload a file into a...


### What happened? I'm trying to have a template evaluate to a specific iterator under varying circumstances. While the direct expression that I want (e.g. `A().fieldPairs`) works when entered, it...

I tried compiling code with the `--hintAsError[XDeclaredButNotUsed]:on` flag turned on. When doing so, the compiler will **always** throw the following exception from `fatal.nim`. This makes the flag unuseable. ### Example...

Error messages

Heyho! As part of the web application that I am writing I am utilizing sqlite's full text search feature FTS5. It's really useful and provides basic search utilities which means...

**THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT - THIS PR IS NOT MERGE READY - Find a list of things I want to finish before merging at the end of the post**...

I fairly often have usecases such as this: Model A has an FK to Model B. I want to count all model A's who are associated with a Model B...

I have a webapplication with a Django backend that I am currently rewriting in nim using prologue and norm. Django has a pretty neat signal system that allows you to...

Heyho, I've been wanting to play around with nimview while coding an Angular frontend and am running into a bit of trouble that I don't quite understand. When debugging with...