Aaron Philipose
Aaron Philipose
Hello! I am actually experiencing this issue now. i am trying to switch from the default to docBlockr but it's not working. I turned on DEBUG to try and grab...
I did some investigation and it seems like the logic for switching to docBlockr does not actually exist, despite it being an option. Looking at this file: src/docstring/get_template.ts I noticed...
Are you still getting this issue? this looks more like a temporary server issue but I could be wrong
i haven't had the liked issue as of yet (possibly because I think I'm on an older version), however I've definitely had the "Following" issue. It looks like that fix...
Another reason I use subfolders/base_url over subdomain is managing a significant less amount of SSL Certs. I don't use wildcards so managing DNS entries (as discussed) and all the overhead...
I'm not sure if you actually read my last post to completion. I'm just advocating a case for it. I'm not entitled to demand this from an open-source project (Especially...
Finally got a chance to try this out. I'm not a dev (especially JS stuff) but I am excited to give it a try. I think I was able to...
If you want to use the WebUI outside your network, the best solution would be to add a reverse proxy like NGINX to handle http(s) traffic. As far as qbit...
No problem. I just saw that the issue was open and you didn't get a response yet. Figured might as well. You may wanna close the ticket then though