Nick Chalard
Nick Chalard
Viewing, editing or pushing the status to Released take a very long time to complete. Much longer than the size would suggest. Occasionally timing out and returning an nginx error....
Individual files can't be selected. Currently, the only way to delete uploaded files is to select all and delete all uploaded files .
Extracting YARA rules via!/import fails to commit. Rule this was occurring on: `rule SUSP_certificate_payload { meta: description = "Detects payloads that pretend to be certificates" date = "2018/08/02" author...
We can currently resurrect existing retired IOCs imported via!/import. This is a feature request to add an option to retire imported IOCs if they exist in ThreatKB and are...
Artifact extraction picks up certain number inputs (such as version numbers or timestamps that use periods) as IPs. ex:
Related to timeouts when generating new packs.
This signature runs on an automation that adds phishing URLs and keeps the rule in Vetting status. We took a look at this before with Danny and found that the...
Likely due to KB running at load, no new indicators have been ingested on ThreatKB in some time. Latest indicators from Recorded Future were seen on 2024-10-15. Views in ThreatKB...