Current API is at v22. WSDL included in project is only v13.
Looking to replace the jQueryUI datepicker with this one. We're able replicate the different options except for the date format. It would be great to add more formatting options such...
When uploading a file, if the network connection is lost, the upload fails but file.error is only set to true and therefore outputs the word true. Also data.context in fileuploadfail...
I could not create a jsFiddle because it does not support IE7. I was able to reproduce in JS Bin: Clicking Add Files 1 does not work but Add...
Need to be able to pass options into test() so they can in turn be passed to set()
SameSite=[none|lax|strict] is used for cross-site cookie blocking.
I have a route that needs special handling. Something like `GET /User/{userId}/Info` I want the route to have a limit, regardless of the IP or client ID. `GET /User/1/Info` should...