
Results 8 issues of PhantomRex123

Upon looking at your code, clearly it's not safe to use this script. using many tools like virus total will ensure that this is a virus. Don't install this software!

this is my svelte config file ``` import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto'; import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'; import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer'; import cssnanoPlugin from 'cssnano'; import postcssPurgecss from '@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss'; import postcssPresetEnv from...

I just now found out that my formatter messed the readme up! I'm veryyy sorry. if you want tell me and i'll fix it :)

Hey, You have made a great Theme! i just don't see the Mac Like buttons

[//]: (Please follow this template for fast resolutions) **Describe the bug** I'm running an ESP8266 and when i try and upload the code on my esp01 its stuck or either...

``` /******************************************************************* A telegram bot for your ESP8266 that controls the onboard LED. The LED in this example is active low. Parts: D1 Mini ESP8266 * - (or any... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Why are you hashing it to base64 meanwhile you can replace it with the following regex ``` /(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?/giy ```

**System Details** - OS: Linux mint 21.3 - Thorium Version M124.0.6367.218 **Problem** This used to happen a while ago, but by simply restarting my pc it would perfectly work. but...